среда, 31 октября 2012 г.

How to extract emails from forums, blogs, websites. Email Extractor.

I want to shed light on an awesome application named email extractor I came across recently. It extracts email addresses from almost all websites on Internet, blogs. In some cases you don't have desire to scan the whole site for emails but only one or list of pages. Enter urls to email extractor and it will do the work for you.

Email extractor application is useful when you have to contact people and make advertisement campaigns. Email extractor can also harvest emails from mail boxes, files , and so on. In some cases you might not know websites you need to extract emails from but you know some keywords describing your potential customers. What you need to do is to enter relevant keywords in the in application and press start button inside email extractor.

One of the easiest ways to sell your products is to extract emails of people from websites and send them offers directly. What if you have an awesome product and it is not well-known yet. How to reach your audience/customers? You have to advertise it somehow. It is a fact that lots of people have emails. It happens that people leave contact info such as phones, emails on websites open.

Have you ever known where your potential customers fritter time away on internet ? I believe they are surf on social networks like facebook, twitter, forums, blogs. Extract emails from blogs, forums, websites Enter site/blog/forum name you want to extract email addresses. Sometimes you don't know where your audience/customers/leads hang on Use these keywords in email extractor and it will find all of them in search engine like google and then extract emails from all of them.

You can extract all email addresses from text files. How to harvest people' contact information such as email addresses from websites ? You can search them manually by using Google, Bing or run email extractor. Email extractor can grab emails on blogs, forums, Facebook, Youtube or in any other place where leads appear.

вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

Breaking Bad (Breaking Bad)

Finally reconsidered ' Breaking Bad ' (Breaking Bad) from a talented director Vince Giligana (' X-Files ').
Plot of the insane and worthy of a thriller with a somewhat different light. Cancer patient chemistry teacher decides to engage in the manufacture of drugs ( methamphetamine ) for the sake of the future of their family. For that indulges in all serious sins, and this obsulovleno name that prosper have been called ' the multi- film'.
Raised a very pressing problems, such as the ratio of good and evil and the possibility of transition from one to another. If it is - a chemical process.
And most importantly - all presented with no unnecessary degree of violence and eroticism. All within reasonable limits. Except for particulars, such as: the dissolution of a corpse in an acid or a panoramic view of the daily activities of whores, drug addicts.
At the heart of everything that happens - Her Majesty Chemistry, which is presented in this series is not as intrusive as, for example, Mathematics in the ... Its impact on first glance unnoticed, because the script worked out just fine, but still try to throw something out of the plot ...
Of course, the metaphorical story of the relationship with the narkomirom: Tuko deal with Salamanca, and a black drug lord, who is a part-time ' Chicken King ', the owner of the restaurant Los Pollos, can not help but bring a smile, and accusations of naivety. But on the other hand, is not the salt.
Dramatic masterpiece on the idea of ​​Vince Gelligana deserves exceptional enthusiasm. Philosophic design and dynamics of not only make a close watch every episode, but also to stimulate the ontological reflections. The world around us - an ordered set of chemical elements. The people who inhabit this world - the Brownian motion of potential criminal.

воскресенье, 3 июня 2012 г.

Punks in the city - ' Naive ' in Murmansk

The concert took place in the RK ...

By tradition, knock the frost in the queue at the entrance about 20 minutes, bypassing metal detectors and valiant protection of the club, with 25 minutes late starting time of the alleged statements, we got to the site. T. to. came up with some delay, the waiting to get on the end of ... Povydvigav versions about what punks in Murmansk to ... :).

And under the solemn chords of rock heroes took the stage in the evening.

From the first minutes of speech Chach.

and the company is talking with the audience, warmed up, factories and so on until the very end. Everything was in the mega drayvovy environment. Students came off in full, together with the musicians, who in turn showed their skills (especially trying to guitarist.

who always wound up people), as well as trying to impress. And it turned out, which only costs perepevka in punk -rock version of the song ... It should be heard! . :).

Guys ( Naive ) periodically made ​​to the small pereryvchiki doping brandy, fleeing from the scene and quickly returning to ignite the next song. At the end of the speech drank brandy on stage (and what else to expect from punk ). :).

Speech ... As the effects of a little run down the voice, a little stunned by the right ear, the sea of positive emotions and a great desire to continue the banquet t. e. concert. And more photos....

I would very much like in the near future to see and hear in Murmansk punk band. Personally, I gladly went to the ... latest album, ... and ... Do you have any of the punks wanted to see and hear in Murmansk? .

And also very interested in your opinion about the site being brought performances ... pilot. , ... IMHO not the best option (although the sound was naive order of magnitude better than. pilots. ) And in my estimation of the occupancy of 200-300 persons, can be found altenativu. Can I. NDIE PUB. fit?.

Photos provided by the site murmanmusic.

P. S. : At the end of January 2009 are expected to ...

P. S. S. : And do not forget. subscribe to blog updates. Not to miss news of rock and punk music in the Murmansk. Subscription is available at. RSS. and. e-mail.

четверг, 31 мая 2012 г.


It just so happened that I did not manage to get the age when ssykotno to take responsibility - thanks to the mother. Always on my tyrkala responsible role. So I kind of born with the need to take some responsibility. I can not say that I always had it as such, but the fear of responsibility for my words, I do not have one. If I am guilty, then the answer, often in considerable damage to their interests - but my blunder, I am responsible.

And that's why you're here you who are reading these lines - pissing to take responsibility for something? . So what? . When a member is not stuck there by mistake or eat a piece of cake for Tiffany. Or drunk on March 8 at midnight, and then searched for flowers in the city. Nobody has died. Yes, and you are alive and well.

Where does this irrational fear to take responsibility?.

I'm on my own I would say that is not so important to learn how to win, learning how to safely tolerate the failure. Denied a girl - there are hundreds of. It did not work in a business, are dozens of other options. But so accustomed to all gotovenkom. A wise man sees options for how to do. Stupid - the reasons not to do. That's the whole story. And you - good night!.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

Country prison romance

Social scientists are sounding the alarm: our society is sick of prison culture. The series about the life of prisoners coming in prime time on one of the central channel, took first place in TV ratings.
In restaurants and cafes, decorated in the style of the colony, arranged weekly queue. Young people really fascinated by tattoos in prison genre of romance, and sellers in the bookstores urgently ordered more thieves slang dictionaries Party.
According to political analysts, all of this plays into the hands of the authorities. Society, who have consistently demonstrated frightening picture of the area is much easier to manage. Indeed, the fear of a colony, we laid down at the genetic level, since the Stalin era.
In late January, was released on Russian television screens controversial series ' Zone ', in color about the life behind barbed wire. And while moralists discussing how ethically replicate the prison culture, mass public opinion is issued its unequivocal verdict. The series stood up and firmly holds the first line in all the TV ratings. The film is less reminiscent of the romantic history of the criminal life.
The creators of the picture says that trying to focus the audience on the orders of the horrible, inhuman customs that are accepted in the modern prison. The screenplay was written by an anonymous author of the manuscript, which is currently in the colony. For the most authentic, naturalistic description of the atmosphere of the film crew toured for six months on the Russian zone. As the consultants involved in the previously convicted persons, and one of them, Alex Taranzhin, played a major role. As a result, the film, according to critics, has turned out really is not for the faint of heart. ' Of course, much to the screen did not get to censorship. We could show, for example, as people cut off the fingers - told ... - But the truth is still a lot: prisoner rape is not pleasing to the heads of the colony, lordly life of vodka and prostitutes in the chambers of the thieves and cons, of course, the general atmosphere of the terrible punitive institution. On the one hand, we wanted to draw public attention to the violations of human rights that occur in modern colonies, on the other - to warn those who are about to embark on a criminal path '.
Official government is responding to a more innocent products of mass culture, it is very easy to meet such a provocative film. This reaction gave rise to accusations of a film company in the implementation of government orders. After a description of the horrors of penal system has always been quite an important factor in handling public.
Proponents of this theory believe that a detailed story about what 's going on in the area, is able to revive the citizens of Russia, has bonded with the Stalinist era, the fear of the law, authority, and their flip side - the camps. Roughly speaking, if the Soviet leaders to intimidate the masses indiscriminately planted millions, the current leaders in order to achieve the same effect, and intimidation as a consequence, the controllability of the population is sufficient to use the media resources.
... - Have developed a genetic Russian fear of punitive bodies. So the current rulers of the people is enough to show some bright character of life in prison for people to sit quietly and not rock the boat, thirty times to think, if they make anything illegal or not '.
Around these same considerations explain the indifference of the authorities and politicians to other phenomena of mass culture, in fact, advocate prison life.
So, every year more and more popular is gaining radio ' Chanson ', where, despite the dilution of the repertoire of urban romance on neutral themes, continue to exploit the theme of prison. ' We are not afraid of the term ' thieves ' song' - said ' NO ' radio station program director Arthur Vafin. - Life is diverse, and if the singer sings about her, why he can not touch on the theme of bondage? . All the songs in one way or another connected with the prison, imbued with a sense of living, acute pain, anguish. They talk about the heavy emotions of people in the colony. And as the Russian people from prison and bags have never renounced, the sincerity of the poets who survived the years of the colony, they are close and clear '.
And this longing, reinforced by powerful speakers, rushing through the streets of Moscow in the summer from the open windows of almost every other car. Did we get it?.

Business spoke to the hair dryer.

However, interest in the prison culture is developing in modern society, and regardless of the wishes of the authorities. According to sociologists, the reasons for this lie in the deep processes occurring in the community, or popular culture of the camp would not have been such a mass. Going through the roof ratings criminals songs and movies of the colony - only the tip of the iceberg. Other examples include sweeping entry into the modern language of the criminal argot. Thus, the word ' chaos ' once belonged exclusively to the thieves jargon and meant a flagrant violation of the laws of thieves. And the word ' hang out ' meant to gather groups. The modern Russian speech, according to linguists, is a wild mixture of the language of business and marketing, richly flavored prison argot.

Another striking example of interest in the world behind the barbed wire found at the book fair at the Olympic. According to the saleswoman Marianne Sergienko, visitors to the fair in recent years to actively dismantle the publication, which previously were considered specialized and intended for a narrow range. For example, the ' Dictionary of Criminal Slang ' or collection of prison poetry ' Russian Villon '. Even the artists in the tattoo parlors surprised by the unprecedented surge of interest in tattoos in the style of HCC. ' We're so long and hard fought, so tattoos are in no way associated with the area - shared with ' NO ' tattoo artist Oleg Gray. - It is said that this phenomenon, which came from ancient times, that now is one of the arts, but all our efforts went down the drain. Increasingly, young people come asking them to do tattoos, tattoos styled as thieves, recidivists, who was imprisoned felons. Again, in the fashion of the skull, pierced by the sword, birds of prey - the symbols of freedom, rose in the barbed wire. When asked why not choose a different picture, usually respond that way now fashionable '.
And in the night club ' Zone ', decorated in a prison -style ( tables in the form of cameras, guard dogs, rats living under the floor, tommy ), or in a restaurant ' Butyrka ' names of the dishes which use only the words of ' feni ' tables must be ordered .
' Personally, I wonder do not see, - said ' NO ' rights activist Valeria Novodvorskaya, who herself spent many years behind bars. - Our country is living under the laws of ' red ' zone, where the ' godfather ' constant share ' obshchak ', which is ruled by ' thieves' bohemian ', and most of the people ... I emphasize it by the laws of ' red ' zone. In the ' black ' colonies, where the working rules of the criminal world order and the humane. And if the laws we have the prison, why culture should be something else? '.
' I would not have been so adamant, however, some truth in this judgment, of course, is, - he said ' NO ' sociologist ' Levada Center ' Alexei Levinson. - After the adjustment, during the period of anarchy, the first public institutions of self-organization have gangs. They are something, and managed to instill respect for the mass consciousness of anti-social phenomena, including laws and regulations of the zone, as well as interest in them '.
Almost all the respondents ' NO ', experts believe that the replication of prison subjects adversely affects the general intellectual and cultural level of the country. The dangers of the craze, and linguists say. As told ' NO ' PhD, leading researcher argon Mikhail Grachev, even the simple use of criminal vocabulary can have a significant impact on the outlook of a person. Carried away by the jargon, the Russians not only impoverish their vocabulary, but also the rougher language, make it a primitive. However, according to Mr. Grachev, the most unpleasant thing is that the fashion for ' tyuremschinu ' bawdy words promotes sustainable wrongful conduct and the idea that honest work will get you nowhere.
The most strongly negative impact of the prison culture of young people exposed to. Today's teachers noted with horror that students play at recess in the area: painted rings on his hands, like a thief nakolok, talking exclusively ' for the hair dryer ' hold ' obshchak ' severe check and arrange for beginners. But the most striking in the other - the children were boasting that their relatives and friends were in prison. If used by juvenile delinquents girls shied away, but today, according to psychologist Valerie Mikulina to get young beauties, young people are lying, they had a criminal record and at least a suspended sentence. Particularly strong, these processes, according to the chairman of the Education Commission of the Moscow City Duma Yevgeny Bunimovich, in working class areas, where children do not see any prospects for a large life. Nevertheless, they want to excel in some wealthy and well-educated peers - at least in the knowledge of the laws of thieves.

Instead of conceptual tribal youth are increasingly required to make them zekovskie tattoos.