четверг, 31 мая 2012 г.


It just so happened that I did not manage to get the age when ssykotno to take responsibility - thanks to the mother. Always on my tyrkala responsible role. So I kind of born with the need to take some responsibility. I can not say that I always had it as such, but the fear of responsibility for my words, I do not have one. If I am guilty, then the answer, often in considerable damage to their interests - but my blunder, I am responsible.

And that's why you're here you who are reading these lines - pissing to take responsibility for something? . So what? . When a member is not stuck there by mistake or eat a piece of cake for Tiffany. Or drunk on March 8 at midnight, and then searched for flowers in the city. Nobody has died. Yes, and you are alive and well.

Where does this irrational fear to take responsibility?.

I'm on my own I would say that is not so important to learn how to win, learning how to safely tolerate the failure. Denied a girl - there are hundreds of. It did not work in a business, are dozens of other options. But so accustomed to all gotovenkom. A wise man sees options for how to do. Stupid - the reasons not to do. That's the whole story. And you - good night!.

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